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I am putting in our links a story I wrote about Lucy titled Lucy liftedIMG_1000 us up. If any of you animal lovers have ideas of a loving home for this wonderful spirit please contact us.



Had 4 great guests our first week..Linda, Mossie, Mylitta and Arlene! Gearing up for our next round of great guests the first week of June! The lake was beautiful and we literally watched the beautiful pink blossoms emerge on our front yard crabapple tree the day it hit 80. Seems pretty far from NYC these days!

Mattawamkeag Lake, where we love to take guests for serenity.

Mattawamkeag Lake, where we love to take guests for serenity. This is a view near the cabin, where overnight stays can be arranged.

As we begin our season here in Maine today we have word that the beloved creator of the Ashtanga Yoga practice has passed. I have been blessed to learn from some of his most devoted students, especially Eddie Stern, and also to have taken a few classes with him in NY City. Many people the world over will be feeling this today and for a long time to come.

Though yogis believe in reincarnation I believe that life is a great mystery, as is death.

Our love and blessings to you, Sir, wherever your soul now resides.


here is more that was sent to us: word is spreading fast on the internet..


Sri K Pattabhi Jois
It is with great sadness that I wish to inform you about the passing of Guruji Sri K Pattabhi Jois. Following a battle with ailing health, he passed today afternoon India time. He was 94. 

Guruji, as he was fondly know all over the world, was one of Sri T Krishnamacharya’s earlier students in Mysore. He has been instrumental in spreading one of Krishnamcharya’s methods, which is now popularly known as Astanga Vinyasa Yoga. He has been one of the most influential teachers of our time. It is our great previlege to have shared this earth with a master of his caliber. 

The Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation, as well as Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, will be organizing a prayer in his honor on the 19 May 2009, at 6:00 pm at the premises of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. We invite everyone to come and participate. 

TKV Desikachar, who is in Tennessee currently, will organize a prayer meeting there with his group of students. 

At this difficult moment, it is the best gift we can offer his family. 

” For if one link in nature’s chain might be lost, another might be lost, until donna and kent by beckythe whole of things will vanish by piecemeal.”


SEWALL HOUSE opens MAY 18, enjoy yoga, nature and healing environment with us.


Subject: The Dweller on the Threshold

I love writing, have since I was child, but find I badly need an editor for my errors!  Just proofing an article I wrote on Yoga and Home I realized I had created the word INdentity instead of Identity and that is what Yoga does, takes you IN!!! So I left that typo, wha la, my new word!

img_1907  And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom- Anais Nin


These flowers planted at Sewall House by my great Aunt Sarah in the 1800″s, my great grandfather’s sister.


May 2009

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